Advanced Facial Treatments

Omnilux light therapy
A totally pure, visible red light used to stimulate and rejuvenate skin tissue, leading to improved skin tone and elasticity. As seen on 10 years younger!
£50 | 3 for £120

Omnilux Blue light therapy facial
A totally pure, visible blue light which kills and neutralizes bacteria to reduce inflammation and redness associated with acne.

Omnilux ‘Clear Skin’ – course of 8 (saving £110)
Omnilux Blue has proved revolutionary in the fight against acne. The bacteria that cause acne produce chemicals that are sensitive to light. Omnilux Blue works to stop the spread of these bacteria by delivering a constant blue light that penetrates deep into the layers of the skin. This naturally stimulates the body to produce chemicals that destroy the bacteria. Combining Omnilux Blue with Omnilux Revive will enhance its effectiveness. Omnilux Revive reduces inflammation, thereby assisting in the healing process during the course of blue light therapy.

Omnilux combined with any other facial
Red Carpet Facial £70
Dermaplaning, Expert peel and light fusion
guaranteed to get your skin glowing, saving £70.00